Celebrations are
to be encouraged. When people get together for a special occasion, they are
paying attention to something that is true all of the time but that deserves
special attention at some specific time. Birthdays come to mind, of course, or
anniversaries or memorials for loved ones. And there are the national holidays
or school holidays or religious holidays. Each one celebrates a reality that
has a past, a present, and a future. A celebration’s past consists of fond
recollections, memories and love. “Remember when…?” Its present rests on
appreciation, or thankfulness and even joy. “How amazing that …” And the future
piece of a celebration is largely one of hope, of anticipation and confidence. “I sure hope that …” Together, these three
aspects give real life to a celebration.
This all comes to
mind because of the fact that SJI International celebrated Racial Harmony Day
this week. At their assembly, there was a prayer led by representatives of
different faiths, followed by a “fashion show” of different costumes or dress
from the various cultures represented in the school. Both students and staff
participated by donning their unique outfits and parading down the middle of
the Assembly Hall – on a proper runway – as their culturally distinctive clothing
was described with appropriate detail and historical background.
Diversity is something that is both a blessing and an
ongoing invitation to grow in understanding the “other” in our lives. The
challenge is always one between unity and diversity, between those things that
draw us together and those things that draw us apart. The advice by Timothy
Radcliffe, O.P., is insightful: “It takes time; time and patience to listen to
one another. It also requires reflection, the effort to understand each other.
… Diversity need not make us mutually incomprehensible.”

Abraham Lincoln is purported to have said: “People are
about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” This can also apply to our
experience of diversity and racial harmony. Our appreciation of racial harmony
will deepen as our attitudes and actions towards the “other” in our lives are
shaped by intentional humility, openness, and a wide-souled dive into the
mystery of the thing. Celebrations are one of the privileged opportunities for
doing so.
And if you’re ever curious about how something like
this should work, watch a diverse group of elementary school 4-year-olds
playing together. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”